• Deleted user
    Hi, Can someone please help me? I have the Hint plugin installed on a website and it works perfectly for me, however I have opened a new website, I have installed it and there is no way for it to work. Which may be due? If anyone knows, please tell me. Thanks a lot!!
    Jan 1 '70
    4 0
    Jan 16 '22
    Thank you Admin. I have changed several versions of PHP and I have the same plugins as in the other websites but the truth is that I don't know where the error could be. Keep investigating...
    Admin Admin
    Jan 16 '22
    Check the browser error console!!!
    Jan 17 '22
    I've done it but I don't understand anything... well it's the same, I leave it as it is, that is, deactivated. Thank you anyway.
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