Store - View Theme: Greensky



Introducing "Greensky" Graphical Theme for OxWall CMS!

Discover the freedom of customization with the "Greensky" theme. This lightning-fast and simple theme offers a clutter-free design without a sidebar, providing a seamless browsing experience for your community members.

With "Greensky," you have the power to add your personal touch to the theme by incorporating icons of your choice. Easily integrate icons by adding tags to the language tag, allowing you to create unique and eye-catching menus and elements throughout your community.

Explore a vast collection of icons available at your disposal, including a wide range of options from With such versatility, you can tailor the appearance of your community to perfectly match your vision.

Whether you're running a social network, a discussion forum, or any type of community, "Greensky" delivers a clean and modern design that accentuates your content and interactions, fostering a positive user experience.

Unlock the potential of customization with the "Greensky" Graphical Theme for OxWall CMS and create a captivating online space that leaves a lasting impression on your community members.

The Wall

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Product Info

Pluginkey greensky
Build 9700 (latest)
License BSD-1-Clause
Vendor Admin
Created Jul 30
Price Free
File Size 2.73 Mb