Store - View Core: OxWall 1.9.1 Update Package

OxWall 1.9.1 Update Package

Latest version of OxWall, 1.9.0 Build 11711

Modified by with many improvements and all libraries updated.

Attention! Before installing, make sure your server is running on PHP 8.1 or higher.

If you want to install a new website without upgrading from a previous version, there is another package, OxWall 1.9.1 Complete Package, which is only for updates.

It is distributed in a single ZIP file.

PHP version 8.1 or higher is required.

Update process:

1. Create a backup of your database and all your files.

If you want to save time and space, it is not necessary to copy the /ow_plugins, /ow_themes, ow_pluginfiles, and /ow_userfiles folders because they are not affected and contain many files.

2. Delete the files in the /ow_log folder to start with a fresh and clean error log.

3. Delete the /ow_libraries and /ow_smarty folders.

4. Unzip this file in the root directory of your website (usually httpdoc or httpdocs), overwriting all current files.

5. Access in a browser and wait for the process to finish.

The Wall

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Product Info

OxWall 1.9.1 Update Package
OxWall 1.9.1 Update Package
Build 11900 (latest)
License OSCL
Vendor Admin
Created Oct 28
Updated Oct 29
Price Free
File Size 5.29 Mb