Store - View Plugin: Verified Members


Verified Members

Fully compatible with SKADATE Progressive Web App, Skadate Mobile version and Desktop version.

Compatible with Oxwall Mobile version and Desktop version.

Display the verified badge after the username. The member upload pictures to be verified by the admin. The admin can accept or reject the verification.

Every user gets a unique 6 digits alphanumeric ID that haves to paint in something like a piece of paper and take a selfie showing face and ID in the same picture.

The admin can change the number of required pictures, the color of the mini badge, upload his own big badge and change the instructions to be verified (instructions are changed in language keys). Eg: Show your unique alphanumeric ID in one picture and your driving license ID card in other picture.

It is compatible with all plugins.

It has compatibility with photos, comments, newsfeed, blogs, forum, admin control panel, user profile, videos, questions, notifications, etc.

Compatibility with Responsive themes.

Multilanguage support

If you have seen the verification badge on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and all other popular websites, they have this verification badge for their users, it makes your website look more professional and your users will be more active after getting the verified badge.

The Wall

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Product Info

Verified Members
Verified Members
Pluginkey verifiedmembers
Build 11 (latest)
License OSCL
Vendor Admin
Created Mar 9
Updated Apr 7
Price 35 $
File Size 467.13 Kb

Available languages

Language # Entries
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