Store - View Plugin: Visual Ranges(Admin,Moder


Visual Ranges(Admin,Moder

This plugin works through the oxwall role system.

Use a modern style icon to show the rank of the user as long as he is Administrator, moderator or Vip member.When another member visits a profile and this is Vip, Moderator or admin the icon is displayed.This makes it easier to quickly differentiate this member over others. Premium users like the idea that there is something that differentiates them from other members, not only that they have access to more functions, it is also nice that there is something visual that highlights them more. The messages shown can be edited from the oxwall administration panel.

-Support Role System.

-Message Editable from the administrative panel.

-Supports multilanguage

The Wall

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Product Info

Visual Ranges(Admin,Moder
Visual Ranges(Admin,Moder
Pluginkey smtranges
Build 1 (latest)
License OSCL
Vendor sumate
Created Dec 17 '20
Price 5 €
File Size 166.43 Kb
Rates 1
Reviews 1 Click to see

Available languages

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