Store - View Plugin: Autosuspend

Product pending verification by the moderation team. Buy it at your own risk.



Automatically suspend users whose profiles have been flagged X times.

Admin can adjust:

- Number of flags required before suspending

- What type of flagged items to look for

- Cron frequency (how often to run checks)

- Suspension-reason shown to suspended users

- Whether Moderators should be suspended

Can be adjusted to check or ignore flags on the following items:

- User Profiles

- Status Updates

- Forum Topics

- Forum Replies

- Groups

- Photos

- Videos

- Comments


The plug-in will only run when it detects that new flags have been added since the last check.


The plug-in is smart enough to detect abusive behavior.

If a single user flags someone else multiple times, the plug-in will only count 1 flag.

This way, users can't get someone suspended by simply flagging all their content.

This plugin is free, so it does not require any license

The original link to the OxWall store is:

The Wall

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Product Info

Pluginkey autosuspend
Build 2.0 (latest)
License BSD-3-Clause
Vendor Admin
Created Dec 20 '20
Updated Dec 20 '20
Price Free
File Size 9.61 Kb

Available languages

Language # Entries
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