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Automatic Avatars

Automatically assign avatars to users based on user gender.

It seems like people have been asking for this for years, so I decided it was about time someone finally built a free, open-source plugin for assigning avatars to new users based on their gender.

Avatars will be assigned to new users only. Existing users will retain their standard Oxwall default avatar.

Users can delete the default-avatars that you assign with this plugin. If they do so, their avatar will revert back to the standard Oxwall default avatar.

Avatars with transparent backgrounds are allowed, but not recommended.

As of version 1.8.x, Oxwall converts all uploaded avatars to .jpg images, which will cause unexpected results in images with transparent backgrounds.

Please report any bugs, and feel free to offer suggestions or feature-requests.

This plugin is free, so it does not require any license

The original link to the OxWall store is:

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Product Info

Automatic Avatars
Automatic Avatars
Pluginkey autoavatars
Build 1.0 (latest)
License BSD-3-Clause
Vendor Admin
Created Dec 20 '20
Price Free
File Size 8.54 Kb
Rates 1
Reviews 1 Click to see

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