Store - View Plugin: MessageAll

Product pending verification by the moderation team. Buy it at your own risk.


Like Mass-mailing, admin can send private message to all users with a single click

This plugin was suspended from the OxWall store because the author was no longer there and was not responding to emails.

You will need a license to use OxWall and unfortunately it is no longer for sale.

Perhaps you bought it before or want to develop a similar plugin from it.

Its original price was 5 USD

It is no longer valid, but the original link to the OxWall store is:

The Wall

Stan VIP
Dec 19 '20
OK. I did a blunder by using this. I sent a PM to all 27,000 members, which means I have 27,000 messages in my inbox. is there a way to get rid of all them, I do not want to do 20 at a time.
Admin Admin
Dec 19 '20
To remove 27,000 PM I would use the "Mail Clean Cron" plugin or the "Mailbox CleanUp" plugin. You suspend the user who sent them, delete the messages and reinstate the user. If the user is the administrator, name another user administrator while you do it. I can't think of another way, because editing database tables manually is dangerous and delicate.To remove 27,000 PM I would use the "Mail Clean Cron" plugin or the "Mailbox CleanUp" plugin. You suspend the user who sent them, delete the messages and reinstate the user. If the...See more
Stan VIP
Dec 19 '20
Ok. So if I understand this correct. When I sent the PM to everyone I had a copy of the sent mail in my box. My error. This is the best way? Will they be notified they have been suspended and reactivated? Will even my current suspended account, because of their content or their profile failed, be reactivate again? Would not want that either.

Ok. So if I understand this correct. When I sent the PM to everyone I had a copy of the sent mail in my box. My error. This is the best way? Will they be notified they have been suspended and reactiva...See more
Stan VIP
Dec 19 '20
are those here?
Stan VIP
Dec 19 '20
ok. I see in OXwall you are the author.. so can I buy I here?
Admin Admin
Dec 19 '20
No, the idea is to suspend the user who has sent 27,000 PM. Then, with one of these two plugins, you can delete all the suspended users' PMs, and then reactivate the user who sent the PMs, if applicable the Admin or the moderator who did it
Stan VIP
Dec 21 '20
I was the user who sent the PM to all the members. Using the plugin.
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Product Info

Pluginkey msgall
Build 2 (latest)
License OSCL
Vendor Admin
Created Nov 29 '20
Updated Dec 6 '20
Price Free
File Size 8.33 Kb
Rates 1
Reviews 1 Click to see

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