Store - View Theme: OWD Gwin


OWD Gwin

Gwim Theme is simply unique design and a fully customizable theme.

This theme have a additional theme settings which you can change almost everything like colors and backgrounds

- Box border size

- Box Borders Color

- Box Cap Bg

- Box Menu Bg

- Box Menu Bottom Bg

- Box menu Bottom font color

- Box menu font Bg color

- Box menu font color

- Box menu font color Hover/Active

- Footer Bg

- Logo destination

- Logo height

- Logo width

- Main Menu Bg

(look at the theme screeshots for more details)

You can experiment the theme settings changing colors, backgrounds and sizes and if you found yourself messing up the design, there is always a reset button.

Change the design the way you want without having any coding knowledge.


The Wall

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Product Info

OWD Gwin
OWD Gwin
Pluginkey OWD-Gwin
Build 1.5 (latest)
License BSD-1-Clause
Vendor Admin
Created May 1 '22
Updated May 1 '22
Price 5 €
File Size 1.54 Mb