Store - View Plugin: ZipStore SlideShow

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ZipStore SlideShow

Widget featuring up to 12 random and messy ZipStore products.

It does not show the ones you have already bought, the ones you have added to favorites or the ones you have already visited.

If these filters do not result in 12 or more, repeat the search including the ones you have visited.

If not, include your favorites.

Again, if there are no 12 or more, include the ones you bought.

The goal is for it to always display 12 different ones to encourage you to visit the store.

Below the image it shows the first line of the product description, NOT the title, to further encourage you to visit it.

Clicking on the image jumps to the product file.

Additionally, you can add images with a text and a URL to announce other things, these images will always be displayed, added to the 12 and intermixed with them.

ATTENTION: Requires ZipStore plugin installed.

The Wall

Dec 6 '20
Updated to work identically with registered or unregistered members
Jan 28 '21
where i can buy and get ZipStore itself ?
Admin Admin
Jan 28 '21
ZipStore is currently in error checking phase. It will be on sale in a few days!
Jan 28 '21
Is it working as your site store ?
Jan 28 '21
Thanks for this very good site, it a very helpful site for oxwallers, i am waiting for store plugin
Mar 9 '21
When you will publish zipstore plugin again ?
Apr 18 '21
when this zipstore will available ?
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Product Info

ZipStore SlideShow
ZipStore SlideShow
Pluginkey zipstorewidget
Build 1 (is old)
License OSCL
Vendor PatriciaZorrillaBcn
Created Dec 6 '20
Updated Dec 6 '20
Price 10 €
File Size 42.79 Kb

Available languages

Language # Entries
Click on the name for dowload