Store - View Theme: Creative



Introducing Creative - an elegant and professionally designed theme for OxWall CMS. Experience the exceptional talent of our highly skilled author as they bring you this sophisticated theme. 

Creative offers full support for the mobile version, ensuring a seamless and visually stunning experience across different devices. This responsive design guarantees that your website will look great on smartphones and tablets.

Immerse yourself in the elegance of Creative. With its sleek design and attention to detail, this theme exudes a sense of sophistication. The author's commitment to quality is evident as Creative, like all their themes, is error-free and built to perfection.

One of the standout features of Creative is the inclusion of smart animations and moving headers. These subtle yet impactful animations add a touch of dynamism to your website, creating a visually engaging experience for your visitors.

Furthermore, Creative boasts a profile header that mimics the scrolling effect seen on Facebook. As users scroll through the page, the profile header smoothly transitions, providing a modern and interactive touch.

Experience the pinnacle of elegance and professionalism with Creative, the most refined theme for OxWall software. Elevate your website's aesthetics and captivate your audience with this exceptional theme.

The Wall

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Product Info

Pluginkey creative
Build 2041 (latest)
License OSCL
Vendor Admin
Created Jul 12 '23
Price 28 €
File Size 2.33 Mb