Store - View Plugin: Confessions

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"Confessions" empowers users to share their thoughts, secrets, and musings without revealing their identities. With the option to add archives, tags, receive comments, and gather ratings, this plugin creates a dynamic and engaging environment for candid self-expression.

The anonymity feature ensures that users can share their confessions without fear of judgment or consequences, enabling them to be authentic and vulnerable in their revelations.

Users can explore a treasure trove of anonymous confessions, connect with others who share similar experiences, and offer support without any preconceived notions of identity.

Unlock the power of authentic self-expression and genuine connections with "Confessions" plugin for OxWall CMS.

Visit the OxWall plugin store today and embrace a space where confessions become a pathway to deeper understanding and empathy. Install "Confessions" and create a truly liberating experience for your community! Thank you!

The Wall

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Product Info

Build 9 (latest)
License BSD-1-Clause
Vendor Admin
Created Jul 26 '23
Price 19 €
File Size 69.49 Kb

Available languages

Language # Entries
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